Saturday, July 31, 2010

MANIPURA- Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra is where our inner power resides. We are all responsible for our feelings of empowerment. This is where we take ownership of our feelings and our actions. If we blame others for our feelings or our situations then we have given our power away. Most of us have heard that in life it is not what happens to us, it is what we do with what happens to us that makes all the difference. This is the place where we make choices, where we discharge our energy out into the world, where we discern when impulses are appropriate or inappropriate. We become proactive, we can say yes or no when we want to. If we have a deficiency in this chakra, we may feel like victims of our circumstances and blame others. We have poor self discipline, weak will and may be easily manipulated. We comply and play it safe. If we have an excess, we may become angry, aggressive, inflated, with a need to control others. We are ego-centered and accomplishment-driven.

A strong ego is important to grow authenticity and autonomy. It is when our ego is healthy that we can begin to transcend the ego and see that our inner strength is fed by a higher power.

"Lack of autonomy is often characterized by blaming. If we still blame others for our problems, we have not yet individuated. Blaming places both will and responsibility outside ourselves."
-Anodea Judith

Shame is the demon of the third chakra.
Fire is the element.

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