Saturday, August 20, 2011

Sign Up for Fall Classes

Registration for fall classes begins this Monday, August 22nd.
Sign up early so as not to be disappointed.
Classes begin Friday, September 16th. and then the following Tuesday and Wednesday.
Hope you are enjoying summer. I certainly am!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Private classes? Freeform classes?

If you are interested in a private class or a freeform class, just give me a call or send me an email.
August is a good time for either or both of these as I have more time to devote to both.
The freeform classes are free, no charge.
Freeform is a class where everyone practices on their own. There is no instruction and no interaction. We each follow our own inner teacher. It is an intuitive practice, no set plan, just whatever comes up. The only structure is when we begin and when we end.... 1 hour.
Private classes are a wonderful way to focus on your own particular issues and needs and to build a stronger more intelligent practice.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Time Off

This is the first week of my break from the Simply Yoga classes.
It is giving me some needed space for rest, creativity and renewed energy.
I read yesterday 'the world is YOUR YOGA MAT. What a concept! Wherever I am I can be in my practice and be the observer of what is, responding with the same focus and consciousness as I do when I am on the mat.
So even if you don't get to your yoga mat often in the next few weeks, although I hope you do, you can still practice. How you do that is up to you. :)