Monday, March 29, 2010

Withdrawal Symptoms...

I must say I do love the break from teaching Simply Yoga when I have more time to do whatever... usually art and "artist's dates". However, I find I do less yoga than usual and my body actually starts to hurt and my joints feel stiffer. These, I hate to say, are what I call withdrawal symptoms. Yes I guess you could call me an addict of sorts. I need enough yoga weekly or my body rebels.
I suspect some of you are finding something similar being away from classes for awhile.
So get out your sticky mat and get some practice in... 10- 20 minutes a day will make the world of difference. Do the poses you love and a couple of the ones you don't love and breathe deeply.
Three part inhalation breath is waiting for you!!!!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Break

The next 2 weeks I will not be teaching the Simply Yoga classes as we will be on break.
This would be a good time to work with your yoga at home and explore what you know.
Some of you already do this. It is challenging to practice on your own when you are used to a teacher talking you through your practice. However it can be very gratifying to see how much your really have learned and how you are able to breathe, quiet the mind, find your alignment, move into a stretch slowly, be curious about sensation, and know that you have claimed your practice. Don't forget to "play" with the poses a little... find something new in your body and be okay with not knowing and understanding everything. Enjoy.
See you in April.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Warrior Poses

Here we are in our last week of Simply Yoga classes.
It has been an interesting quarter with lots of learning and lots of Warrior Poses!
Warrior poses teach us to stand well with firmness, strength and intention. Learning to stand on our own two feet began when we were in the last part of our first year of life. Yet we are still learning to stand well. Standing in Mountain pose, we are still learning to find ground and rise up with confidence and purpose. How is it that we lose our confidence, our ability to accept ourselves as we are? How do we find it again? How do we know we are on the right path? How do we learn to trust our instincts, our intuition?
It is spring. Plant your feet in the earth, your sticky mat, wherever you are. Rise up to meet this day. Open your heart to what comes. Be in the moment. The circumstances of our lives have much to teach us. Listen.