Thursday, August 5, 2010

ANAHATA - the heart chakra

From the solar plexus we now move up to the heart. The heart chakra is the place where we orient to acceptance of ourselves and others. We express love and compassion, empathy and altruism.
At the same time we engage in self-reflective consciousness. If we are not aware of our conditioning, physically, mentally and emotionally, we cannot evolve. We become caught in repetitive cycles and unhealthy patterns that we repeat over and over.
Our mind-body connection is part of the balance we discover here. What is the body telling us?

The heart chakra involves reaching out and taking in. It is important to reach out, yet also important to receive. If we cannot receive, the chakra is deficient.

Grief is the demon of the 4th chakra. Grief can block the heart as can fear. When our heart is heavy or broken we may feel a huge weight on our chest. If we deny our grief we may become hard, cold and rigid. When grief is given voice and acknowledged, there is a place for hope and the heart lightens.
Grief can come from loss, but also from denial of parts of ourselves. If we have denied our authenticity, our personal power or our own authority, we may experience a deep unexpressed or unconscious grief. In order to love fully we must develop ego strength (3rd chakra).

Air is the element of the 3rd chakra. The respiratory system pumps the heart.

"Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak whispers the o'er-fraught heart and bids it break." -Shakespeare

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