Saturday, July 17, 2010

MULADHARA - root chakra

This week we began to explore the root chakra... the chakra that roots us in our bodies, the physical world and the earth. A healthy first chakra allows us to be energetically grounded. Being grounded gives us a source of strength. We can stand on our own two feet and move forward in life. We draw energy up from our base like a current of energy and we form healthy boundaries.
Boundaries allow us to maintain our ground and contain our focus . We feel validated in our existence and know that we have a right to be here, a right to take up space, a right to have needs in order to survive... a right to nourishment, shelter, rest... ways of taking care of ourselves, a right to pleasure, acknowledgement and love. We then feel a realistic sense of security, stability and freedom. At the same time we must be able to accept limitation.
In her book, Anodea Judith lists the issues of the first chakra as follows: roots, grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, prosperity, appropriate boundaries.
The first chakra is located at the base of the spine.
Earth is the element of this chakra.
Fear is its demon.

Affirmation statement: "I love my body and trust its wisdom."

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