Saturday, May 22, 2010

Speaking of....

Do you pause before you speak?
Do you just say whatever is on your mind?
Do you ever wish you could take back what you said?
Do you wish you could express yourself more clearly or more kindly?
Ancient wisdom asks us to be full of care with our words. Of course being full of care means we have to consider the intent and value of what we share. Sometimes our intent is hidden, even from ourselves. We may speak from a place of misunderstanding, frustration, envy, hurt. Our words take on a power that we might not have intended at a conscious level. If we are not careful and conscious our words can betray us.
When we know ourselves and trust ourselves at a deep level our speech becomes more skillful.
Saucha, which means purification, can include our choice of words, when to speak, when not to speak, knowing our intention and also how we use humor.

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