Wednesday, May 5, 2010


"If you want to make an easy job hard, just put off doing it." Olin Miller

Procrastination ... why do we do it?
We had interesting discussions this week in class about the "P" word. Reading quotes from famous wise people we realize quickly that procrastination is the thief that lives in our homes and is the way we most often sabotage ourselves.
If we think we perform better by leaving things to the last minute, we really end up with our backs to the wall and think the pressure has somehow given us the" juice". Yet we have really just lost our freedom and are now under the control of the deadline. "It" is now controlling us.

The most common causes of procrastination are:
Fear of failure
Miscalculating how long a task will take.
Thinking we work better under pressure.
Waiting until we are in the "mood".
Feeling overwhelmed.

There are many ways to deal with the above. What strategies help you deal with " putting things off" ?

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