Monday, August 27, 2012

Friends and the kindness of others...

Challenging times are made so much more manageable by friends who help along the way.
The help I am talking about is not about "fixing"  it is more like "serving".    We serve each other in all kinds of ways in many varied circumstances.   Often we are not aware of the impact a small gesture of kindness makes.   "Service" is a form of support and caring.   It is a tonic when we feel alone or afraid.   It lifts us up and makes us stronger.   It makes the journey easier.
When we are experincing hard times we need to be open to the kindness of others, letting go of
whatever hold us back from accepting what is offered.
 When we allow others to help us , as my friend said, we are giving a gift to them, also.
 It is reciprocal.
 There is an old saying that I hold dear.  It goes something like this:   "At the deepest level, there is no giver, no gift, no receiver... only the universe rearranging itself"... author unknown.

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