Sunday, January 29, 2012

Practicing the Yamas

We began classes this week by focusing on the five YAMAS.   The first Yama is AHIMSA:  non-harm, kindness and compassion.    The best way to learn the yamas is to practice them.   I have shared a few questions to invite the practice of ahimsa into your daily life.
1. Can I freely give a compliment, an affirmation a statement of appreciation or encouragement?
2. Can I go beyond what is expected of me? 
3. Can I treat others the way I like to be treated?
4. Can I pay it forward when something good comes my way?
5. Can I PAUSE and LISTEN and not fill up the space?

Can you pick just one of these and practice it for a day, a week, a month?  Then ask yourself what you have discovered about the practice of AHIMSA.

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