Saturday, September 24, 2011

Showing up

We are now into classes for fall quarter and the classes are bubbling with energy and enthusiasm, which I love.     It is great to see so many returning students as well as some new faces.
When coming to yoga for the first time or starting a class with a new teacher it is always a little daunting for most of us.     However I am reminded how important that step is...the actual signing up and getting to that first class.  "Showing up".   When you show up for anything in your life you are making possibility available.   When you show up consistently then change begins to happen.   That change might just be waking up in some way to who you are and what is important and what you are going to do with this  "precious life", as Mary Oliver calls it.

This second week we are discussing "meditation" and how the mind is like a puppy in training. 
We all know if you don't train a puppy then you end up with a very distracted, disobedient dog.  The mind is like that if you don't train it.    We train the mind through meditation and mindfulness.  Both these practices are part of our yoga journey.  Both require consistent attention and intention.    The breath and the postures are our focus as we learn how to concentrate more deeply and for longer periods.     It is this part of yoga that I love the most as it is what allows me to live more authentically in my daily life.

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