Friday, September 16, 2011

Classes are starting today!!!!

Tonight is our first class of fall quarter...  I am excited to be back in the groove again.
This quarter we will focus on learning sequences and refining transitions... that place where we are linking one pose to another. 
Transitions in yoga as in life can be bumpy, as you know.  Making smooth transitions requires slowing down and being in the moment rather then just focusing on the destination.
If you are in a hurry to get somewhere you will miss what happens in between. 
You may have found that change and transitions in life are hard and yet in some sense you are always in transition.   There is always movement, there is always some level of change and the unexpected in our lives.  That is what makes life interesting and that is what makes yoga interesting.
In every practice and every pose you can find something new, even if you have done that pose hundreds of times.  Being in the moment, paying attention allows you to find that newness and to meet the transitions with awareness and curiosity.

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