Monday, January 24, 2011

Simple Pleasures to Savor

The idea of finding and identifying simple, yet awesome moments is really just the practice of contentment. It is also the practice of taking on a new perspective, a fresh look.
Santosha, which means contentment, is the 2nd Niyama. Niyama is the 2nd of the 8 fold steps of classical yoga.
The Niyamas are practices that guide us.
Contentment is a practice. When we notice and feel discontent in our lives we have moved away from contentment. There is an old aphorism that says: "Enjoy everything. Need nothing". Santosha is intentional, it is more an action than a feeling.
What simple yet precious moments did you savor today? Begin with just one a day.
Record them if this keeps you connected to the practice. Share it with a loved one and let them know what this practice is about. Maybe they will join you.
What makes this practice particularly fun is to find something simple that you normally take for granted and let it become a "grace moment" in your day.
Example: Not knowing what I was going to have for lunch and finding some awesome leftovers that I had forgotten about in the fridge. SWEET, as they say.
It is as simple as that.

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