Sunday, October 11, 2009


Donna Farhi writes a whole chapter on "sloth" in her book, Bringing Yoga To Life. "I know no better word than sloth to describe the habitula disinclination to effort that thwarts the potential of the budding spiritual seeker... Sloth makes it almost impossible to establish a firm ground for practice and even if we are able to do so , sloth may prevent us from sustaining any ground."

She suggests that if inertia is a way of life then we need to take a good look at what the cause is and that busyness does not necessarily mean that our actions are purposeful. Busyness can keep us in a stuck place just as much as inactivity.
She suggests that "the contemplation of death might help us to discriminate between what is salient to our very being and what is not... what is important and what is not". Using our energy wisely is part of the 4th yama, Brahmacharya, also expressed as merging our energy with God or the divine.
If in any moment we are aware that our actions are reflecting our values and our life purpose, we are aligning with the light within that is our "true nature".

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