Saturday, October 24, 2009

"The Freedom of Discipline"

Donna Farhi tells us that discipline is any practice that contains our thoughts, energy and actions so that we can use ourselves in a potent way.
She shares that a longing for freedom is healthy, and a vital component for any spiritual journey.
However, we need to be discerning about how we channel our energy and the choices we make so as not to be "drinking salty water to quench our thirst".
We can become more skillful in our choices by "increasing our tolerance for staying in the pause between desire and satisfaction". In the pause we make our choices.
When we practice, we make room for all of our feelings and yet not allow our feelings to become our identity. The feelings are just " a passing show", they are not who we are. We can be diligent about remaining a witness, a neutral witness to the "passing show" or "mind stuff".

"Today it is rainy but the sky is not wet, tomorrow it is sunny but the sky does not ignite into flames." The sky remains a neutral witness.

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