Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Posture Never Ends

In our last class for spring quarter I read to you from a book entitled Meditations From the Mat. It seemed fitting to end our 8 weeks with something poetic. Probably we can all take away something different from this meditation. For me, I realize that my yoga poses are my opportunities to get current with myself, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. They are for me an imposed time in my day to look inward instead of outward, to be in my body instead of in my head. What then begins to happen over time is that I am in my body more and more even when I am off the mat. I notice my posture, my shape, my connection to the earth. I notice my old habits, and how I can interrupt and change those habits. I notice my ability to listen, to be present, to stand in another's shoes, to soften the space around my heart. I can choose to release the contraction of judgement, assumption, control or attachment. There is no "beginning or ending" to this presence, this awareness. When we begin to feel this and experience this more and more we are WAKING UP. As Rumi says, "don't go back to sleep."
I feel myself sitting squarely in my chair, both feet on the ground, my spine tall, breathing. The posture never ends.

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