Thursday, March 12, 2009

Generosity As A Natural Act

Sylvia Boorstein says that compassion is the natural response of the heart.
I believe that is true. She says that it requires a quiet state of mind. When we are in that state we naturally feel another's pain. Often we are too busy or caught up with our own attachments to feel the vibrations. Yet when we remember the interconnectedness of all beings we can see and feel another's pain more clearly.
If we are born with a natural tendency for compassion the same must hold true for generosity.
When our attention and awareness is sharp and clear, we naturally become caregivers. We find that sharing is a totally natural act. There is no fear to hold us back. It is just what we do.
Sylvia says: "perhaps generosity is the word we use as long as we think there are donors and recipients. When sharing is a natural and spontaneous act, we probably call it compassion."
Many years ago I heard a quote from an anonymous source. "There is no giver, no gift and no receiver, only the universe rearranging itself." It makes me know that I can relax and that the natural response of the heart will know what to do.

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