Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happiness List

This week our reflection centered around making a Happiness List.
It only takes 5 minutes. I think it is a wonderful tool for getting current and honest with what you love and makes you happy. It can be anything. The tricks are: not to edit, write as fast as you can for 5 minutes, and repeat yourself as often as necessary. Be general and specific.
When I did it this week I actually wrote SNOW. I said later, "what was I thinking?" That is just it, I wasn't thinking, I was feeling. I love new fallen snow when everything is pristine, quiet, beautiful and uniquely nature at it's finest.
So what is this about in terms of AHIMSA? It is about bringing forward the love and beauty that is in your heart and calling on it everyday. Giving yourself a few things from your list everyday is a kindness gift to yourself. I believe that when we do that it enriches us and the world.

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