Sunday, December 16, 2012

A Big Thank You...

A big thank you to all of you who attended the Holiday De-stressor Classes.   It just shows us how important and effective yoga is at this time of year.   The theme helped us to realize and consider myths and outdated "rules" about "Christmas giving" and how we get stuck in  old mindsets.
Christmas and holiday time need to be refreshed and reconsidered each year as we grow wiser and are able to let go of whatever is no longer meaningful and  does not serve the purpose intended.
Change is good.  
The new year is ahead and we may all have changes that we want to integrate into our lives that
will make this coming year more rich and more deeply truthful to our values.
May your new year be a wondrous year full of light and new discoveries to you inner life and your outer life.  May you claim your resilience as you meet challenges along the way.

   Sending love to you all ,    Maureen

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