Sunday, February 12, 2012

Satya- truthfulness

When we share something about another we always have the option of PAUSING and asking ourselves: Is it true?      Is it kind?    Is it necessary?     If is does not pass this test, then maybe it should not be spoken.   This comes from Islamic teachings and is called "the three gates".
I like this "filter".   Sometimes we might share something that cannot even pass through one of these gates...   
When we consider the act of telling the truth, this is a simple and helpful reminder.   Ahimsa and satya go hand in hand: non-harm and truthfulness.

It is also helpful to consider what is our intention behind what we share.   In order to do that we have to be completely truthful about what our purpose was.   We may be surprised to find out that it did not come from a caring place but more from and place of ego, or control.

Getting to know ourselves at a deeper level is not an easy journey, yet is is a deeply fulfilling one and can move us toward freedom of heart, mind and spirit.

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