Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Saucha might help us enter the new year!

The year 2010 is coming to a close. What would the yoga sutras tell us about releasing an old year and welcoming a new year? If we look at the Niyamas we might find that the first niyama Saucha, has some wisdom in the principle of cleansing and purifying body-mind-heart. I like the idea of entering the new year with a "clean slate" so to speak. Some of us make resolutions or goals to accomplish in the year to come. This makes us hopeful. Yet we have learned that it is the "heart's intention" that lays the ground for our goals and aspirations.
For me personally, I have chosen to ask myself what it is that I can release in my conditioning that will help me to enter this new year. Maybe there are fears or assumptions that are holding me back from opening my heart to deeper wisdom and my imagination to a fresh creativity.
I can start clearing my heart and soul by just cleaning and recreating some part of my environment. Open a drawer, a cupboard, a closet.... What can I let go of!!! What fear can I come face to face with, dissolve and see with clean awareness?
This is the way I will enter the new year. Will you join me?

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