Friday, September 24, 2010

Living with integrity...

" Goals help you make your place in the world and be an effective person. But being grounded in intention is what provides integrity and unity in our life." -P. Moffit

I have always had goals in my life. I have achieved many of them. It is very satisfying to set a goal and to see it come to fruition. However I have found it more essential to keep my eye on what is truly important and what I most deeply value. When I do that I find my goals are more fluid and can shift when they need to. Goals are always changing. Inner values and what has heart and meaning is a constant.

"Only by remembering your intentions can you reconnect with yourself during those emotional storms that cause you to lose touch with yourself." -P. Moffitt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post.I get questions about teaching yoga all the time. If you read Planet Yoga’s #yogachat, they had a great discussion on teaching tips. It’s part of their weekly Twitter #yogachat. I thought your readers might want to check it out: