Saturday, November 14, 2009

"The Window In"

Everyone seemed to enjoy the readings from this chapter this week.
We laughed as we heard familiar descriptions of what the mind does when it drifts and settles somewhere!!! ... a difficult conversation we had 10 years ago, or a fantasy about the man sitting next to us at a meeting or a retreat. The breath is the one thing that can be a touchstone to come back to. "I am sitting here, on my yoga blanket, breathing in and out", or "I am sitting here in my car stuck in traffic, something I cannot change, and I am breathing in and out." We can let ourselves pause and accept what is without reacting, without entertaining ourselves with fantasy and veering away from reality.
What are we saying to ourselves when we are in a difficult yoga pose..??? Are we in conflict with what is? Are we trying to steer away from what is real in this moment? Did we get hooked in a drama?
The point is if we are always caught up in our fixed reference points it will be very difficult to see things from a fresh perspective and we will miss seeing things as they truly are. We will miss the reality that with every breath we are changing.

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