Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Heart's Intention

So good to be back in class again...
This quarter our theme is "Intention". That is the "heart's intention" or right intention as the Buddha teaches. Intentions are not the same as goals. Goals have to do with something in the future and outcome. Intention is about present moment and connecting to what we most deeply value. We cannot control outcome, but we can set intention from what has meaning and significance for us. That doesn't mean goals are not important. But intention can help us to reach and clarify and change our goals when necessary.
Each day we can set intention. We might do that by phrasing it as a question. "Can I be kinder and gentler with myself today?" If I value non- harm, kindness and compassion, can I live that now, in each moment, today. If I am kinder to myself, that kindness will flow out into the world. If we phrase our intention as a question, it will feel more like an invitation and less like an admonishment.
What intention can you invite into your day, in this moment?
What intention can you live, that becomes, more and more, part of who you are?

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