Sunday, January 29, 2012

Practicing the Yamas

We began classes this week by focusing on the five YAMAS.   The first Yama is AHIMSA:  non-harm, kindness and compassion.    The best way to learn the yamas is to practice them.   I have shared a few questions to invite the practice of ahimsa into your daily life.
1. Can I freely give a compliment, an affirmation a statement of appreciation or encouragement?
2. Can I go beyond what is expected of me? 
3. Can I treat others the way I like to be treated?
4. Can I pay it forward when something good comes my way?
5. Can I PAUSE and LISTEN and not fill up the space?

Can you pick just one of these and practice it for a day, a week, a month?  Then ask yourself what you have discovered about the practice of AHIMSA.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Food for thought...
The word for posture in French is "attitude".
Alignment and posture is not to be experienced only in a physical sense, it is also about aligning with a "higher energy or spirit".    Body posture may well be an important factor in a higher quality of attention and alertness.    
What are you aligning with in your life? 

Friday, January 20, 2012

Friday classes cancelled...

Although the college is open today, yoga is cancelled for tonight due to me still being sick with respiratory flu.   See you all next week.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Practicing yoga off the mat...Mindfulness and Refraining

As I looked forward to starting classes this week I was met with a nasty respiratory flu and a snowfall that canceled the first two classes ( Tue, Wed).   In some ways I was glad the classes were cancelled because of the weather as I had already reluctantly informed the college that I would be unable to teach. Truthfully, I was frustrated with myself for getting ill.   I know, that makes no sense and yet there it was.   Sometimes I lean so heavily into responsibility to my students it prevents me  from "trusting whatever happens".   I do believe that "everything happens for a reason"... so why torture myself? 
 Fortunately what I have noticed over the years is that I am less and less disturbed by events that
seem inconvenient or are not what I had hoped or planned for.   If I get "hooked" by a feeling of disappointment, I can shake it off pretty quickly. 
Pema Chodrun talks about mindfulness and "refraining".     In my case I soon found myself "refraining" from moving towards frustration.   Instead I discovered myself  shifting gears and and enjoying the benefits of a forced retreat and different way of living for a few days.
This way of responding to events is an example of "Ahimsa" or non-harm. Non-harm includes"seeing clearly with respect and compassion for what is".

This quarter we will be discussing more insights into the Yamas, Ahimsa being the first yama, part of the "tree of yoga".

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Classes cancelled...

Well we didn't get started with classes this week as planned. :(
Snow storms got in the way and also I came down with a nasty respiratory virus.  
Friday class is  probably a go weather wise,
but I will see if I have recovered enough for teaching.
The WCC will be calling you, if you are a Friday student, to let you know if Friday class is cancelled.
Do not try to do a "make-up class" on Friday before first calling the WCC, or email or call me to see if the class is a go.
Hopefully see you next week.  :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

To be empty...

"To be empty, completely empty, is not a fearsome thing.   It is absolutely essential for the mind to be unoccupied, to be empty, unenforced, for only then can it move to unknown depths."                    - J. Krishnamurti


Friday, January 6, 2012


I am always inspired in January.   Once the holiday decor is put away I can feel new energy and the "possibilities" awaiting.   However  I can only receive new energy and fresh perceptions by making space.
In the physical realm, most of us are saving things we don't need to save.    We have too much "stuff".   Just go through your closet or cupboards or garage and you will see it.    
Sometimes these things represent memories...  we are holding the memory.   
Memories are great, we all need them, yet we don't necessarily need the physical representation of them.     Think of the release of these objects as a way of moving forward and opening to a new chapter in your life.   I went to Goodwill yesterday, with my donations.   If felt great.   I could  do this on a more regular basis or at least more often.   It is like taking 3 deep breaths, and savoring a new moment, feeling like a new, or renewed person.  Happy New Year.